Visualisation events at ECMWF in 2015


Visualisation of forecast products is very important for ECMWF to analyse, improve and communicate its forecasts. We are organising two major events this year looking at different aspects of visualisation in meteorology. The first one is our regular "Using ECMWF's Forecasts" (UEF) meeting in June targeting users of ECMWF's forecast products. This year's event will focus on quantifying, visualising and communicating uncertainty.

For more information, see Using ECMWF's Forecasts.

The second opportunity to discuss visualisation will be at the end of September, when ECMWF will host the "Visualisation in Meteorology Week". This event comprises four meetings: the biennial workshop on "Meteorological Operational Systems" (MOS), the "European Working Group on Operational meteorological Workstations" (EGOWS), a Royal Meteorological Society Seminar on "The visualization of meteorological data" and an OGC Plugfest for web (map) services. These meetings will review the state-of-the-art of how forecasts are communicated in operational and research environments in graphical form. The presentations will be accompanied by an exhibition of visualisation systems.

For more information, see Visualisation in Meteorology week 2015.

Both events will aim  to showcase various graphical products which have been developed over recent years, and we are keen to collect interesting new and novel forms of visualisation (animations, 3D/4D, ...), especially making use of Ensemble forecasts.
If you feel your work would add value to this discussion and you’d like to use this opportunity to showcase it, please contact us at for more information on how to do so.

We welcome your views and please feel free to forward this invitation to other interested parties.