ERA-CLIM kick-off

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The official kick-off meeting for the ERA-CLIM project took place at ECMWF on Wednesday 16 February 2011. The goal of the 3-year EU-funded project is to prepare input observations and other data needed for a new reanalysis of the 20th century, to be produced at the Centre between 2014 and 2017.

The project involves approximately 50 person-years (7.5 at ECMWF) of work at eight institutions in Europe, Russia, and Chile. Apart from various test reanalyses to be produced at ECMWF, deliverables include large numbers of newly digitised observations from the early 20th century to be recovered from various archives around the world. All data produced by the project, including all observations used for reanalysis, will be made available for climate research without restriction.

ERA-CLIM is funded by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme and involves ECMWF, the UK Met Office, Météo-France, EUMETSAT, the University of Vienna, the University of Bern, the University of Lisbon, the Russian Research Institute for Hydrometeorological Information, and the Chilean Met Service.