WMO Additional

These products are only accessible for NMHS of WMO members under the following conditions. These products are only available with a 0.5° by 0.5° grid.

Similar products with higher spatial and temporal resolutions are available for other users, however, these are subject to a standard realtime licence: https://www.ecmwf.int/en/forecasts/accessing-forecasts/licences-available.

Filenames follow the WMO standards
The list of products that you see is based on your login credentials

Based on HRES

Short name Long name Unit ID Level Steps for times 00 & 12 Steps for time 06 & 18 Domain Access
10U 10 metre U wind component  m s-1 165 Surface 0 to 168 by 6 0 to 90 by 6 G WMO Members
10V 10 metre V wind component  m s-1 166 Surface 0 to 168 by 6 0 to 90 by 6 G WMO Members
2T 2 metre temperature K 167 Surface 0 to 168 by 6 0 to 90 by 6 G WMO Members
MSL Mean sea level pressure Pa 151 Surface 0 to 168 by 6 0 to 90 by 6 G WMO Members
MP2 Mean zero-crossing wave period s 140221 Surface
0 to 72 by 3
78 to 168 by 6
0 to 72 by 3
78 to 90 by 6
G WMO Members
MWD  Mean wave direction  degrees  140230 Surface 
0 to 72 by 3
78 to 168 by 6
0 to 72 by 3
78 to 90 by 6
G WMO Members
MWP  Mean wave period  140232 Surface 
0 to 72 by 3
78 to 168 by 6
0 to 72 by 3
78 to 90 by 6
G WMO Members
PP1D Peak wave period s 140231 Surface
0 to 72 by 3

78 to 168 by 6

0 to 72 by 3
78 to 90 by 6
G WMO Members
SWH  Significant wave height of combined wind waves and swell 140229 Surface 
0 to 72 by 3
78 to 168 by 6
0 to 72 by 3
78 to 90 by 6
G WMO Members
TP Total Precipitation m 228 Surface 0 to 168 by 6 0 to 90 by 6 G WMO Members
Divergence  s**-1  155 250, 700, 925 0 to 168 by 6 0 to 90 by 6 G WMO Members
GH Geopotential Hight gpm 156 250, 500, 850 0 to 168 by 6 0 to 90 by 6 G WMO Members
Relative humidity  157 700, 850 0 to 168 by 6 0 to 90 by 6 G WMO Members
T Temperature K 130 250, 500, 850 0 to 168 by 6 0 to 90 by 6 G WMO Members
U component of wind  m s**-1  131
200, 250, 500, 700, 850, 925
0 to 168 by 6 0 to 90 by 6 G WMO Members
V component of wind  m s**-1  132 200, 250, 500, 700, 850, 925 0 to 168 by 6 0 to 90 by 6 G WMO Members
VO  Vorticity (relative)  s**-1  138 250, 700, 925 0 to 168 by 6 0 to 90 by 6 G WMO Members
SKT  Skin temperature K 235 Surface 0 to 168 by 6 0 to 90 by 6 G WMO Members
SP Surface pressure Pa  134 Surface  0 to 168 by 6 0 to 90 by 6 G WMO Members
ST  Soil temperature K 228139 Surface  0 to 168 by 6 0 to 90 by 6 G WMO Members
TCWV  Total column water vapour  kg m**-2 137 Surface  0 to 168 by 6 0 to 90 by 6 G WMO Members

Based on ENS

ENS Mean and Standard deviation
Short name Long name Unit ID Level Steps for times 00 & 12 Domain Access
GH Geopotential height m 156 500 0 to 240 by 12 G WMO Members
T Temperature K 130 850,250 0 to 240 by 12 G WMO Members
WS Wind Speed   ms-1 10 850,250 0 to 240 by 12 G WMO Members
MSL Mean sea level pressure Pa 151 Surface 0 to 240 by 12 G WMO Members
Short name Long name Unit ID Threshold Ranges for times 00 & 12 Domain   Access
TPG1 Total precipitation of at least 1 mm % 131060 >1mm 12  to 240 by 12 G   WMO Members
TPG5 Total precipitation of at least 5 mm % 131061 >5mm 12 to 240 by 12 G   WMO Members
TPG10 Total precipitation of at least 10 mm % 131062 >10 mm  12 to 240 by 12   WMO Members
TPG20 Total precipitation of at least 20 mm % 131063 >20 mm 12 to 240 by 12 G   WMO Members
TPG25 Total precipitation of at least 25 mm % 131098 >25 mm 12 to 240 by 12 G   WMO Members
TPG50 Total precipitation of at least 50 mm % 131099 >50 mm 12 to 240 by 12 G   WMO Members
TPG100 Total precipitation of at least 100 mm % 131085 >100 mm 12 to 240 by 12 G   WMO Members
10FGG10 10m wind gusts of at least 10 m/s % 131100 >10m/s 12 to 240 by 12 G   WMO Members
10FGG15 10m wind gusts  of at least 15 m/s % 131070 >15 m/s  12 to 240 by 12   WMO Members
10FGG25 10m wind gusts  of at least 25 m/s % 131072 >25 m/s 12 to 240 by 12 G   WMO Members
PTSA_GT_1STDEV Probability of temperature standardized anomaly greater than 1 standard deviation % 133093 850 hPa 12 to 240 by 12 G   WMO Members
PTSA_GT_1P5STDEV Probability of temperature standardized anomaly greater than 1.5 standard deviation % 133094 850 hPa 12 to 240 by 12 G   WMO Members
PTSA_GT_2STDEV Probability of temperature standardized anomaly greater than 2 standard deviation % 133095 850 hPa 12 to 240 by 12 G   WMO Members
PTSA_LT_1STDEV Probability of temperature standardized anomaly less than -1 standard deviation % 133096 850 hPa 12 to 240 by 12 G   WMO Members
PTSA_LT_1P5STDEV Probability of temperature standardized anomaly less than -1.5 standard deviation % 133097 850 hPa 12 to 240 by 12 G   WMO Members
PTSA_LT_2STDEV Probability of temperature standardized anomaly less than -2 standard deviation % 133098 850 hPa 12 to 240 by 12 G   WMO Members
SWHG2 Significant wave height of at least 2 m % 131074 >2 m 12 to 240 by 12 G   WMO Members
SWHG4 Significant wave height of at least 4 m % 131075 >4 m 12 to 240 by 12 G   WMO Members
SWHG6 Significant wave height of at least 6 m % 131076 >6 m 12 to 240 by 12 G   WMO Members
SWHG8 Significant wave height of at least 8 m % 131077 >8 m 12 to 240 by 12   WMO Members
Name   Description   Format Domain Access

Site specific forecasts of near surface weather parameters up to 10 days

Graphical only G WMO Members
Extreme Forecast Indices
Long name Format Steps Domain Access
Extreme Forecast Indexes

Graphical only

0 to 144 by 12 G WMO Members
Short name Long name Unit ID Level Steps for time 00 Domain Access
SST  Sea Surface Temperature  34 Surface  1 to 6 month G WMO Members
Medium (15 days)
Extended (30 days)
Long (Months)