Michail Diamantakis

Principal Scientist Numerical Methods
Research, Earth System Modelling, Numerical Methods


Michail Diamantakis leads the Numerical Methods  team of the Earth System Modelling section. His educational background is in Mathematics, Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing and he has long working experience in Numerical Weather Prediction.

Professional interests:
  • Numerical methods for atmospheric dynamics and non-linear diffusion solvers
  • Advection schemes in the IFS system and related conservation aspects
  • Dynamical core development
  • Computational Fluid Dynamics
  • Scientific & High Performance Computing
  • Time-stepping schemes for differential equations
Career background:

Michail Diamantakis received his undergraduate degree in Mathematics from the University of Ioannina, Greece in 1990, an M.Sc. in Computing Science (1991) and a PhD in Numerical Analysis (1995) both from Imperial College London. Between 1997-1999 he worked as a Research Associate in the Centre for Process Systems Engineering at Imperial College developing solvers for large sparse systems of differential-algebraic equations for modelling chemical processes.  He joined the UK Met Office as a research scientist in 1999. After completing the graduate training programme in Meteorology he worked in NWP and climate modelling in the development and validation of numerical aspects of the UK Met Office forecast model dynamical cores. Between 2008-2011 he worked in the private sector in London, initially as a senior weather CAT risk modeller and later on as a senior Computational Fluid Dynamics software engineer. He joined the research department at ECMWF in 2011 as a senior scientist and in 2016 he became the team leader of the Numerical Methods group. In January 2023 he was promoted to principal scientist.  His current area of work includes, scientific team management, development and maintenance of the ECMWF model spectral semi-implicit semi-Lagrangian dynamical core, advection schemes and conservation aspects, hydrostatic and non-hydrostatic modelling, research in numerical techniques for atmospheric modelling and scientific computing.