Workshop on Parametrization of Fluxes over Land Surface

The Workshop on Parametrization of Fluxes over Land Surface was held from 24 to 26 October 1988.


PDF iconIntroduction and working group reports


Some results from "HAPEX-MOBILHY" relevant to the parameterization of land-surface processes

J C Andre

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Research on land surface parametrization schemes at ECMWF

C Blondin

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Design and implementation of a land surface processes parameterization in a meso-beta scale model

P Bougeault

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The influence of variability of rainfall and soil moisture on evaporation from semi-arid areas

G Dugdale

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Experimentation with a surface model at the German Weather Service

E Heise

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Surface flux parameterization schemes: developments and experiences at KNMI

A A M Holtslag

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Experience with surface processes at LMD

K Laval

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Scale dependence of boundary layer fluxes and subgrid formulations

L Mahrt

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Recent progress in the land-surface parameterization effort for the NMC medium-range forecast model

H-L Pan

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Global data sets for land surface schemes and experience in the incorporation of vegetation into general circulation models

A J Pitman

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Wind surface parametrizations - basic concepts and review of schemes

P R Rowntree

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Modeling land surface processes at the Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Interactions (COLA) University of Maryland

P J Sellers

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First ISLSCP field experiment: experiment execution and preliminary analyses

P J Sellers

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Experiments with land surface processes at LMD

R N B Smith

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Validation of surface and near surface parameters at ECMWF

B Strauss

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Derivation of relevant surface parameters from satellite remote sensing

O Taconet

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