Sarah Keeley

Team Leader - Ocean Modelling
Research, Earth System Modelling, Coupled Processes


I work at ECMWF as a Senior Scientist.

I maintain and develop thermodynamic-dynamic sea ice models within our coupled forecast system. This involves coupling and tuning the ice model within the ocean and atmospheric components of the model.  I am interested in sea ice and its impacts on predictability.

Professional interests:
  • Large scale modes of atmospheric variability
  • Sea ice and its impact on predictability
  • Coupled ocean-atmosphere processes
Career background:

I studied Physics at the University of Oxford, before going to the Meteorology Department at the University of Reading, where I completed my PhD: Climate variability: the effects of doubling carbon dioxide and uncertainty in model predictions.

My main research areas have been on the impacts of large scale teleconnection patterns on various aspects of the climate system.  I am currently interested in the impact of sea ice modelling in NWP and its impacts on predictability

  • Senior Scientist and Education Officer, ECMWF - responsible for the NWP training courses and coupled sea ice modelling (2011 - 2023)
  • NERC Knowledge Exchange Fellowship (40/%FT position) - linking the financial services sector to weather and climate information, focusing in particular on how extended range forecasts could be used (2009-2011)
  • Research Fellow, University of Reading -  impact of resolution for seasonal forecasting and in particular on the NAO; Arctic climate change and the impacts of sea ice in the climate system (2007 - 2011)
  • Senior Research Fellow, Climatic Research Unit, University of East Anglia - impact of Stratospheric Ozone depletion on surface climate (2006-2007)


External recognitions
  • Member of the NEMO Sea Ice Working Group
  • Fellow of the Royal Meteorological Society
  • Member of the Institute of Physics